Planting for Pollinators

Tuesday, July 30

11 a.m.-12 p.m. via Zoom

Pollinators are responsible for the reproductive success of plants that bring us 1 out of every 3 bites of food that we eat. These ecosystem supporters are declining worldwide and need you to help by providing food, shelter and safe places for them in your gardens. Carrie Driehaus with Queen City Pollinator Project will teach you more about our amazing pollinators and ways you can help support and protect them, whether you have a big garden space, or just enough room for one flower pot.

Declutter Your Day

Thursday August 1

11 a.m.-12 p.m. EST via Zoom

Simple ways to improve your quality of life through organization and decluttering.  We'll talk about easy changes to make that can greatly improve how you feel each day, such as how to set up your closet in the most functional way, how to tidy up quicker, and ways to make your morning more smooth.

      Mental Toughness

The effects of prolonged “crisis mode” are becoming more obvious and may be here to stay longer than anticipated. Learn tangible skills that you can use to cope with difficult situations and persevere through, adapt, learn, and grow from the experiences. Presenter: Michael Sherman, MS and U.S. Army Master Resilience Trainer, Level 3. Approved for 5.5 CPT hours-Ohio Peace Officer Training Academy

Medicinal Plants in Cincinnati

Friday, August 23

11 a.m.-12 p.m. via Zoom

Plants can be more than just a "pretty face." Use your botanical skills, test your nature knowledge, and explore the world of medical botany. Presented by Great Parks of Hamilton County.

Youth Suicide Prevention for Helping Professionals

Wednesday, September 4

10:30 a.m.-12 p.m. via Zoom

In helping fields, the likelihood of interacting with youth at risk for suicide is high. Suicide is the  3rd leading cause of death for youth in the United States, and that number is higher for some states, like Ohio, where suicide deaths are the leading cause. When trusted adults know how to respond to suicide risk, lives are saved. Learn about the risk factors and warning signs for suicide as well as how to respond effectively. Presented by Dr. Amberle Prater, PhD, LPCC-S, Center for Suicide Prevention and Research at Nationwide Children's Hospital

Timely Linkage to Mental Health Treatment

Wednesday, September 18

11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. via Zoom

Identifying treatment openings remains a primary barrier to accessing mental health treatment. The Kentucky Injury and Treatment Center in partnership with the Kentucky Department for Behavioral Health, Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities created the first near-real-time mental health treatment locator for the state. Learn the process of development and implementation of and participate in a demonstration of the site and the crisis resources it provides. 

Choosing a President: Understanding the Electoral College

Wednesday, October 2 

12-1 p.m. via Zoom

Recent presidential elections have reinvigorated talk of abolishing the Electoral College, an institution that has been controversial since its origins at the Constitutional Convention in 1787. Any useful discussion of the Electoral College must take into account both its origins and the way its operations have changed over time, but there are many myths surrounding this topic. Learn how to challenge and identify the most prevalent of these myths and understand how the Electoral College works before Election Day.


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