The PIER Recovery Community Center

Located at 1002 Monmouth, Newport, KY structured, small-group classes and recreational activities in an environment that encourages individual initiative and development of a social network that puts participants on a path of positive self-awareness, growth and recovery. PIER encourages participation in daily operations as well as activities. PIER classes show individuals how to respond to challenges within their lives and within themselves. These include basic life skills of how to shop for and cook a healthy, low-cost meal; or how to locate and apply for a job; how to use their inner resources for their own benefit through anger management; how to develop a WRAP® plan for personal crises. PIER provides a place for the pursuit of a healthy, holistic life style through which the individual is able to achieve wellness within a matrix of new relationships based on self-understanding, mutual acceptance and self-esteem. Call the PIER directly at 859-547-6539 for more information.