An Introduction to Gender Identity & Sexual Orientation

  • 6/25/2021 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
  • True
  • Zoom
  • Education
  • Kara Atwell
  • [email protected]
  • 6
  • Click Here to Register

    Current disparities and disproportionalities data on LGBTQ+ communities highlight the importance of more tailored and culturally responsive substance use and mental health services throughout the lifespan. This data has shown that LGBTQ+ populations of all ages disproportionately experience more instances of mental health and substance use disorders, suicidality, and poor wellbeing outcomes compared to their heterosexual and cisgender peers. Intersectionality is an important consideration when serving LGBTQ+ populations, considering age as well as race, ethnicity, socio-economic status, and ability.

    This training will provide an introduction to gender identity and sexual orientation and increase the participant’s knowledge of the challenges for sexual minorities. Participants will also gain skills for recognizing and working with this population and providing culturally responsive services to LGBTQ+ individuals in mental health and substance use disorder treatment settings. Content focus areas include: definitions of gender identity, sexual orientation, physical health, mental health, substance use treatment, and other health-related concerns for LGBTQ+ populations. The curriculum also provides treatment strategies and considerations for clinical work that have been proven effective within this population.

    Course Objectives:

    1. Participants will gain an understanding of gender identity and sexual orientation terminology.
    2. Participants will be able to identify related health issues for the differing segments of the LGBTQ+ population.
    3. Participants will be given provider considerations addressing stigma and stress, current practices, and recommendations.
    4. Participants will be able to define cultural humility and explain how it differs from cultural competence, identify two concepts that contribute to self-awareness, and identify two strategies for creating culturally sensitive interactions.
    5. Participants will be able to identify ways to make their practice a more positive LGBTQ+ affirming treatment setting.

    Resources for further learning will be provided.