Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP)

  • 5/05/2021 9:00 AM - 5/06/2021 4:30 PM
  • False
  • Mental Health America of NKY & SWOH
  • WRAP® is a wellness and recovery approach that helps people to:

    1. decrease and prevent intrusive or troubling feelings and behaviors;
    2. Increase personal empowerment;
    3. Improve the quality of life; and
    4. Achieve their own life goals and dreams.

    Working with a WRAP® can help individuals monitor uncomfortable and distressing feelings and behaviors and, through planned responses, reduce, modify, or eliminate those feelings. A WRAP® also includes plans for responses from others when an individual cannot make decisions, take care of him/herself, and/or keep him/herself safe.

    WRAP® groups at MHANKYSWOH typically range in size from 10 to 15 participants and are led by two peer co-facilitators who use WRAP® for their own recovery. Workshops are provided in-person to Kentucky residents at no cost.

    If you are interested in attending a two-day WRAP workshop, please contact Kiana Pugh @ 859.431.1077. 

    Apply on-line here