CIT Survey For Law Enforcement

Please fill in all fields with a red * next to it, the survey will not work if you don't fill them in, they are required.


1. What is your gender? *

2. What is your age? *

3. Which of the following best describes your racial or ethnic background? *

4. What is your marital status? *

5. What is your highest level of education? *

6. Are you a CIT officer? *

7. How many years have you been a police officer? *

8. How frequently do you talk with your family and friends about the problems of those with mental illness? *

9. Have you ever known a person who was treated for mental illness and then got better? *

10. In the average month over the past year, how many encounters have you had with people with mental illness in crisis? *

11. How prepared are you to handle incidents involving people with mental illness in crisis? *

12. CIT increases the feeling of safety in the general community: *

13. CIT increases law enforcement officer safety: *

14. CIT increases mental health consumer safety: *

15. CIT better prepares police officers to handle crises involving people with mental illness: *

16. How satisfied are you with the CIT program in your community? *

17. What suggestions do you have for improvements to the CIT program?

18. Do you have a CIT response that you were involved with that you would (confidentially) like to tell us about? Share here:

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